Thanks to you who have recently subscribed. We are grateful for your support of the publication & the authors highlighted.
The South Eastern regions of the US have had tremendous storms this last week and month, with disatre force damages in many places. It will take a very long time to rebuild aspects of our lives.
Thank you for your patience, your prayers, your articles that are contributed to both publications. Please leave any highlights in the chat and Bless you for Everything. I am truly Grateful!
Quote of the week
—Tony Robbins
Substack Shoutout
On Notes, from The Grateful Art Therapist
From #Grateful4
From Medium
The Grateful Gardener’s October To-Do List—Sprouttany
Gratitude on the WEB
You are always invited
Share your articles on #Grateful4 on Medium. Everyone has something they can be grateful for.
There are plenty of beautiful Gratitude journals for you to start practicing!
On Substack, drop your articles, posts, or notes on gratitude into the Chat. If you create gratitude journals, share a selective link in the chat for others to get started too.
If you were uplifted by any part of this newsletter, please share the love!
Stay Positive | Be Blessed | Share Often
LaLa 👋
I'm sending you and your family good vibes. Praying that no more hurricanes destroy populated areas.
Great newsletter as always. I enjoyed reading the story about the garden. Also, I went to Karma Connect and was going to leave a positive thought, but the way the layout is, I couldn't see he location when I clicked on my state. Anyhow, it's a technical issue, but I think that website is doing a great service, Thanks for sharing. XOXO