Quote of the week
Substack Shoutout
On Notes, from Yayi Joyce
Probably one of the best uses for gratitude ever encountered.
From #Grateful4
Unlocking the Science of Gratitude-MsFireballsmom
From Medium
Grateful and simple by Logophobic
Gratitude on the WEB
You are always invited
Share your articles on #Grateful4 on Medium. Everyone has something they can be grateful for.
There are plenty of beautiful Gratitude journals for you to start practicing!
On Substack, drop your articles, posts, or notes on gratitude into the Chat. If you create gratitude journals, share a selective link in the chat for others to get started too.
If you were uplifted by any part of this newsletter, please share the love!
Stay Positive | Be Blessed | Share Often
LaLa 👋
I love the cover photo you used. It is so pretty and peaceful. Thanks for sharing all things gratitude. I enjoyed all the stories you highlighted.